

这在处理自定义数据类型和resources时非常有用,尽管您也可以使用此功能来更改内置类型的检查器控件。 您可以为特定属性、整个对象,甚至与特定数据类型关联的独立控件设计自定义控件。

更多信息,请参见 docs.godotengine.org


The example





在终端中与 Cargo.toml 相同目录下添加此依赖:

cargo add rand

创建 addon.rs 文件并在 lib.rs 中导入它:

fn main() {
// file: lib.rs
mod addon;


fn main() {
use godot::classes::{
    Button, EditorInspectorPlugin, EditorPlugin, EditorProperty, IEditorInspectorPlugin,
    IEditorPlugin, IEditorProperty,
use godot::global;
use godot::prelude::*;
use rand::Rng;

Since Rust is a statically typed language, we will proceed in reverse order unlike in Godot documentation, to avoid encountering errors unnecessarily.


To begin with, let's define the editor for properties:

fn main() {
#[class(tool, init, base=EditorProperty)]
struct RandomIntEditor {
    base: Base<EditorProperty>,
    button: Option<Gd<Button>>,

After that, we need to add an implementation for the trait IEditorProperty:

fn main() {
impl IEditorProperty for RandomIntEditor {
    fn enter_tree(&mut self) {
        // Create button element.
        let mut button = Button::new_alloc();

        // Add handler for this button, handle_press will be define in another impl.
        button.connect("pressed", self.base().callable("handle_press"));

        // Save pointer to the button into struct.
        self.button = Some(button.clone());

    fn exit_tree(&mut self) {
        // Remove element from inspector when this plugin unmount:
        if let Some(button) = self.button.take() {
        } else {
            // Log error if button disappeared before
            godot_error!("Button wasn't found in exit_tree");

Let's add a handler for the button:

fn main() {
impl RandomIntEditor {
    fn handle_press(&mut self) {
        // Update value by button click:
        // - Take property name, randomize number.
        // - Send property name and random number to Godot engine to update value.
        // - Update button text.
        let property_name = self.base().get_edited_property();
        let num = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..100);

        godot_print!("Randomize! {num} for {property_name}");

            .emit_changed(property_name, num.to_variant());

        if let Some(mut button) = self.button.clone() {
            let text = format!("Randomize: {num}");
        } else {
            // Print error of something went wrong
            godot_error!("Button wasn't found in handle_press");


Now we need to connect this editor to fields with an integer type. To do this, we need to create an EditorInspectorPlugin.

fn main() {
#[class(tool, init, base=EditorInspectorPlugin)]
struct RandomInspectorPlugin {
    base: Base<EditorInspectorPlugin>,

To add a property editor (which we implemented earlier), you need to implement the IEditorInspectorPlugin trait:

fn main() {
impl IEditorInspectorPlugin for RandomInspectorPlugin {
      fn parse_property(
        &mut self,
        _object: Gd<Object>, // object that is being inspected
        value_type: VariantType,
        name: GString,
        _hint_type: global::PropertyHint,
        _hit_string: GString,
        _flags: global::PropertyUsageFlags,
        _wide: bool,
    ) -> bool {
        if value_type == VariantType::INT {
                .add_property_editor(name, RandomIntEditor::new_alloc().upcast());
            return true;


    // This method says Godot that this plugin handle the object if it returns true
    fn can_handle(&self, object: Gd<Object>) -> bool {
        // This plugin handle only Node2D and object that extends it

If parse_property returns true, the editor plugin will be created and replace the current representation; if not, it's necessary to return false. This allows you to control where and how processing is done by this plugin.


Only one thing left to do: define the editor plugin that will kick off all this magic! This can be a generic EditorPlugin or a more specific InspectorEditorPlugin, depending on what you want to achieve.

fn main() {
#[class(tool, init, editor_plugin, base=EditorPlugin)]
struct RustEditorPlugin {
    base: Base<EditorPlugin>,
    random_inspector: Gd<RandomInspectorPlugin>,
fn main() {
impl IEditorPlugin for RustEditorPlugin {
    fn enter_tree(&mut self) {
        // Create our inspector plugin and save it.
        let plugin = RandomInspectorPlugin::new_gd();
        self.random_inspector = plugin.clone();

    fn exit_tree(&mut self) {
        // Remove inspector plugin when editor plugin leaves scene tree.
        let plugin = self.random_inspector.clone();


Sometimes after compilation, you may encounter errors or panic. Most likely, all you need to do is simply restart the Godot Editor.

Example error:

Initialize godot-rust (API v4.2.stable.official, runtime v4.2.2.stable.official)
ERROR: Cannot get class 'RandomInspectorPlugin'.
   at: (core/object/class_db.cpp:392)
ERROR: Cannot get class 'RandomInspectorPlugin'.
   at: (core/object/class_db.cpp:392)